3 juni 2020

Registration for Power Quality Web events are open

ElaadNL is very proud to present a great program featuring some of the leading experts in the field of Power Quality. 

You can register for one or more web events using the links below. If there are any questions, please let us know.

Times in CEST (UTC+2)

Day 1: June 10th

09:30-10:30: Opening day 1: Welcome and Keynote Alex McEachern

We will start off our first Global EV Charging Test- Power Quality Edition with a welcome by Onoph Caron (director at ElaadNL) and Thijs van Wijk (researcher and teamleader at the ElaadNL Testlab), followed by a key note speech by Alex McEachern.  

11:00 – 11:30 Sjef Cobben – Power Quality and New Technologies

Sjef Cobben is a part-time professor in Power Quality with the research group Electrical Energy Systems at the TU/e department of Electrical Engineering. His TU/e research theme of Power Quality concerns the quality of voltage, current, and their mutual interaction. This is of relevance to smart grid technologies, the integration of renewable energy sources, and the compatibility of devices, installations and networks.

12:00-13:00: Lunch break

13:00-13:30:  Erik de Jong – Power Electronics Dominated (Smart) Grids

Erik de Jong is a part-time associate professor of Power Electronics Dominated (Smart) Grids with the research group Electrical Energy Systems at the TU/e department of Electrical Engineering. His main affiliation is with DNV GL (Arnhem, The Netherlands) where he is a principal researcher and manager of the Flex Power Grid Lab. He is a grid-connected power electronic specialist focusing on the impact of the wide spread integration of power electronics into power systems and how best to test equipment on system level to ensure safe and reliable power system operations. 

14:00-14:30: Alexandre Lucas – Exposing electric vehicles (EV) to extreme temperatures

Exposing electric vehicles (EV) to extreme temperatures, limits its performance and charging. For the foreseen adoption of EVs, it is not only important to study the technology behind it, but also the environment it will be inserted into.

15:00-15:45: Group presentation by Karima Boukir, Kevin Lorenzo and Cédric Chauvenet

Three researchers will present the following

  • Introduction of e-mobility at Enedis and the R&D program on PQ
  • Power Quality aspects of e-mobility integration in France
  • Integrating PowerLine Communication (PLC) with EVs towards SmartGrids

16:00-16:45: Panel discussion and closing day 1

Join us for the Power Quality discussion with audience and speakers. 

Day 2: June 11th

09:30-10:30 Opening day 2Math Bollen and Angela Espin-Delgado

Opening for our second day will be two leading researchers from LTU.

  • Math Bollen – Introduction to supraharmonics and overview of other research at LTU
  • Angela Espin-Delgado – Supraharmonics propagation in LV and MV grids


11:00-11:30: Jan Meyer – SupraEMI: Towards the development of a normative grid measurement method for the frequency range 2-150kHz

Jan Meyer is a Senior Lecturer and Team Leader of the Power Quality Research Group at the Technische Universität Dresden. The research project “SupraEMI” aims to support IEC SC77A WG9 with respective research and knowledge in developing a normative grid measurement method for the new edition of IEC 61000-4-30. This presentation provides a brief overview of the project and provides some back-ground information on the currently discussed measurement methods and their pro’s and con’s.


12:00-13:00: Lunch break

13:00-13:30: Vladimir Cuk  – Power Quality Research at TU Eindhoven

Vladimir Cuk is currently an Assistant Professor with the Eindhoven University of Technology. His research interests include Electrical Power Quality and Power System Measurements and Modelling. In this presentation the broader scope of Power Quality research at TU Eindhoven will be presented. The sub-topics include: Measurement of Power Quality and System Parameter Estimation, Modelling Uncertainty and the Impact of Energy Transition on PQ.


14:00-14:30: Tim Slangen – The emission and interaction of Supraharmonics from Electric Vehicles Chargers 

Tim Slangen is a researcher at TU/e and ElaadNL. This presentation will show the results of measurements performed on individual and combinations of electric vehicles, giving insight in the emission and possible propagation of supraharmonics.


15:00-15:45: Panel discussion and closing day 2

Join us for the Power Quality discussion with audience and speakers. 
