Lopend project

Regelmatig verschijnen er publicaties naar aanleiding van het onderzoek dat wordt gedaan in het kader van SmoothEMS met Gridshield. Deze publicaties zijn te vinden via onderstaande links.
Whitepapers bij afronding
- Whitepaper SmoothEMS
- Whitepaper Gridshield
- Whitepaper Energieflexibiliteit
- Whitepaper Robuuste integratie
- Whitepaper Lochem opnieuw
Overige publicaties
- IEEE – Integrating Guarantees and Veto-Buttons into the Charging of Electric Vehicles at Office Buildings
- IEEE – Robust and Predictive Charging of Large Electric Vehicle Fleets in Grid Constrained Parking Lots
- IEEE – EV Allocation and Charging within Parking Lots Using a Locational Marginal Pricing Mechanism
- arXiv – Relating Electric Vehicle Charging to Speed Scaling with Job-Specific Speed Limits
- arXiv – Improving the Optimization in Model Predictive Controllers: Scheduling Large Groups of Electric Vehicles
- Elsevier – Assessing the value of information for electric vehicle charging strategies at office buildings
- EVS36 – Accelerating national scale up of Smart Charging in the Netherlands
- EVS36 – GridShield – Mitigating unforeseen local power peaks on the grid caused by EVs
- CIRED – Using mobility data and agent based models to generate future e-mobility charging demand patterns IET (CIRED workshop)
- CIRED – Protecting the distribution grid while maximizing EV energy flexibility with transparency and active user engagement IET (CIRED workshop)
- CIRED – GridShield: A Robust Fall-Back Control Mechanism for Congestion Management in Distribution Grids (CIRED workshop)
- University of Twente Student Theses – GridShield on a Multilayered Electric Grid
- University of Twente Student Scription – GridShield: Robust Control Algorithms to Prevent Power Outages
- IEEE – ISGT Europe 2022 Conference
- Volkskrant – Op het overbelaste stroomnetwerk werd de zekering een tikkende tijdbom
- WEVJ – GridShield—Optimizing the Use of Grid Capacity during Increased EV Adoption