March 3rd 2025

Report on the Symposium Power Quality and EMC in Electric Vehicle Charging

The EMC-ESD Association and ElaadNL look back on a successful day where knowledge exchange was central. Below, you will find a report on the presentations that were covered. You can also download the given presentations.
However, not all presentations are included: those by Tycho van Leersum and Erjon Ballukja (both University of Twente) cannot be published.


On Tuesday February 4, 2025, the EMC-ESD Association and ElaadNL organized a symposium on Power Quality and Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) in electric vehicle charging.
The aim of the event: inform participants about the latest developments in Power Quality research, methods for monitoring Power Quality, and the importance of maintaining good Power Quality in practice. A particular focus was placed on disturbances in the frequency range of 2 to 150 kHz, commonly referred to as Supraharmonic or low-frequency conducted emissions.

Following the opening by Arthur Hartsuiker, representing the EMC-ESD Association, Thijs van Wijk, manager of the Elaad Test Lab, gave a presentation on ElaadNL, the Test Lab, and the results of the TEPQEV study on disturbances originating from electric vehicles. The study revealed significant differences in the levels of Supraharmonic disturbances generated by different vehicles. Approximately half of the tested vehicles produced little to no disturbances, while the other half exhibited noticeable—and in some cases highly significant—disturbances. This finding indicates that it is technically feasible to minimize such disturbances, but not all manufacturers currently give this issue the same level of attention.

In addition to studying disturbances caused by electric vehicles, ElaadNL is also investigating disturbances generated by DC chargers. PhD candidate Tycho van Leersum from the University of Twente and working with ElaadNL, presented the initial research findings in this area. A key conclusion was that standard testing procedures, which only conduct measurements at 20% and 80% of charging power, provide an incomplete picture of actual Supraharmonic disturbances. As a result, devices that generate significant real-world disturbances can still pass certification.

To further emphasize the importance of limiting disturbances, Sjef Cobben from the Eindhoven University of Technology gave a presentation on the impact of Power Quality and EMC on electricity grids and connected equipment. A key takeaway was that Power Quality and EMC standards should be aligned with current technological and practical realities. This may require relaxing certain existing standards, while introducing additional standards specifically addressing Supraharmonic disturbances.

Erjon Ballukja from the University of Twente presented his research on Statistical Modelling of EM Emissions in Multiple Power Electronic Converters. He presented a model that can predict the statistical probability of multiple inverters either damping or amplifying each other’s interference. The model has been verified through both simulations and measurements

Regardless of whether disturbances amplify or neutralize each other, it is crucial that charging infrastructure is immune to such effects, that energy measurements remain accurate, and that charging efficiency is not significantly impacted. ElaadNL is investigating these aspects as part of the MET4EVCS project, on which project lead Helko van den Brom from VSL National Metrology Institute delivered a presentation. A key announcement was that VSL and ElaadNL will develop a joint test setup, enabling the injection of Supraharmonic disturbances into ElaadNL’s 360 kW test setup.

Beyond laboratory testing, attention was given to monitoring Power Quality in real-world conditions. Arthur Hartsuiker, in his case representing CN Rood, shared several case studies demonstrating how field measurements have provided valuable insights into equipment disturbances. Notably, such measurements not only help to identify disturbances but also detect equipment malfunctions and facilitate preventive maintenance.

The final presentation focused on grid impedance measurements. Christoph Klie from morEnergy highlighted the importance of measuring grid impedance—including at Supraharmonic frequencies—for resolving Power Quality issues and assessing whether devices can be connected to the grid without problems.

The symposium concluded with a panel discussion, during which the necessity of standardization and certification was once again emphasized.

PowerPoint Presentations Feb 4