B2B-platform e-clearing.net for roaming in the electromobility is going to the market. Therefore we invite t to the press conference concerning the market launch of e-clearing.net on Tuesday, 21st, 14 o’clock at eCarTec in Munich B31 room across the hall B3, south side, 1st floor. In the last three years, the smartlab Innovationsgesellschaft mbH from Germany and the ELaadNL from the Netherlands have developed the platform as a part of joint research projects. At this year’s eCarTec it goes into the market. The aim is to enable every costumer of an E-Mobility provider to charge at every provider of charging infrastructure in and outside the country without barriers. Thus e-clearing.net is facilitating the e-mobility market.
Press conference, 21st oct, eCartec, Munich
Representatives of the two initiators will present together with new and existing marketpartners of e-clearing.net the conditions and the technical solutions. The focus is on the open market model without restriction, the non-profit-oriented nature of the platform and the open and free available IT protocol.
We would be very happy to have r as a participant and asking for a positive feedback until 17th of October by sending a message to presse@smartlab-gmbh.de or call +49 241 181-1922.