Voltooid project


The addes value of smart networks

ElaadNL, along with grid operator Enexis and TNO, participates in a European program to further develop smart electricity networks, the so-called Interflex program. Interflex is a smart grid subsidy project and has received support from the European Commission within the Horizon 2020 program. The project is led by the French distribution network operator Enedis.

What is Interflex?

Under the Interflex denominator, several European distribution network operators (DSOs) from five countries explore how smart networks can contribute to the energy transition. They focus on research questions relating to flexibility, storage systems, electrical transport and interoperability.


At Strijp-S in Eindhoven we test how local energy storage, flexibility and charging stations can contribute to a stable local energy network and how to meet local demand for local flexibility. We use local flexibility at Strijp-S in Eindhoven to realize optimal charging capacity for electric cars. Solar, local storage and other energy sources are used to charge cars. Also, returning power to the network must be possible. An energy balance system is being developed to create a marketplace for demand and supply. Commercial parties, so-called aggregators, keep balancing demand and supply so that the system is expandable and may benefit the end user.

ElaadNL provides charging stations to test Smart Charging within the project. ElaadNL is also responsible for the implementation and further development of Smart Charging protocols and for monitoring the consumption (and local production) behaviour.  ElaadNL will also enable the back office  and the charge point management systems to be able to coop with the requested external power control functionalities.


The duration of the project is three years (2017 – 2019).The planning of the Interflex project in the Netherlands is as follows:

  • Phase 1 – January 2017 until the end of 2017: realise infrastructure for monitoring and management;
  • Phase 2 – 2018: develop algorithm for local flexibility;
  • Phase 3 – 2019: implement and test model.


In addition to Enedis and Enexis, three other European DSOs participate in this program: Eon from Sweden, CEZ Distribuce from the Czech Republic and Avacon from Germany. The DSOs work together with several other partners, including ElaadNL. As part of the project, ElaadNL, Enexis and TNO will run pilots on the Eindhoven business area Strijp-S with local storage, electric vehicles, smart charging and distribution automation (remote control of the electricity grid).

For more information about the project visit the website Interflex or www.interflex-h2020.com. Would you like to stay informed about the project? You can sign up for the newsletter on the Interflex website.